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* Urban Terror Level *
Title : ut_streets2 "Streets of Terror"
Filename : ut_streets2_b2.pk3
Author : Joseph A. Mauke - |NV|S
Date : Aug 8th 2003
E-mail address : *****@***.info
Homepage URL : http://www.s8s.info

* Change Log *

CHANGED SINCE Beta1 : SCRAPPED....why, because it sucked.

CHANGED Since Beta2 : I have removed the bulk of the breakables. I also
removed some unnecesary textures that are jacking your
texture memory and requiring you to PAGE OUT textures
to load new ones. I removed those stupid Spikes on
the wall, I removed the railing balconys and making
them solid again., but be warned as they will not be
campable. I retextured the Asphault with lower quality
textures for better fillrate. They arent permanent.
I removed the rail cars and the rail tracks as they were
just eyecandy that was bogging down the map. I
repairing a borked spawn next to the Video store that
seems to Spawn people like a mofo. I removed the
rotating doors in NRG towers, they were meant to give
every balcony room access, but I removed the rooms and
forgot to kill the doors before releasing beta2.
Suprise invis screws up again!!

I am removed the COCKBLOCKER, Vagina card, and
MASTERBATE sign from the video store window.....but I
will be taking suggestions on what to make the building
into. Sorry Jeds guns is old news, come up with something
more original for me and I will use it because I am your
mapping slave. I Resized the Manhole covers so they dont
open into the sidwalk...the head peering out from the top
of the manhole cover door is fixed. I decided to make
a GRATE that opens like a trap door instead...this will
require some testing to get right, I retextured some
areas that look like absolute donkey nuggets, and trying
to find and squash the lightbleeding where I can.

I removed the stairs and replaced them with a Broken
elevator instead for ease of use and speed....not to
mention that lightbleed for the stairs was un-fixable. I
am not removed the spawns on top of the computer store,
but I am putting the crates back that used to be there
for a way to get down from the roof. Allthough there are
faster ways to get down without damaging yourself....
i guess no one figured out how to do that. I am not
adding the balcony back over the Comptuer store, it
causes FPS problems, and using the door as cover was
just stupid.

So ya want a climable tree huh? well how does it feel
to want?...seriously though I dont think that is wise,
but for beta3 I will comply so you will stop crying like
a little girl

CHANGED Since Beta3 : The Blue flag was Borked somehow, I never really knew
it was missing. Fixed some missing textures, optimised
a few more also. Moved the bomb spawn for blue to down
into the Lab. Also fixed the LAb stairwell wall. Moved
the bomb #2 into the old computer store. Fixed some
clipping issues on NRG towers. Moved some of the Bot
clips around for lower .aas file.

CHANGED Since Beta4 : I decided to kill some the the dead areas to save on portals
and some space. More texture Optimisation. more deleting
unnecessary clutter. Added the Bomb model for the lab.
fixed some small bugs. also removed the interior of the
NRG towers....it was useless and didnt fit the map. I saw
is as annoying and useless. put back in the Larger sound file
for the airplane because the optimised one sounded like shit.
Clipped the ladders better....if you get stuck now you're
just a moron or a n00b.

CHANGED Since Rc1 : I added a func_wall area above the Lab stairwell to provide
cover from nade spam in bomb mode. Also removed the outside
grate entrance to the lab to an indoor location to provide
better cover and less spawn camping. Fixed some areas that
were light bleeding, that should be the last of the lightbleed.
Added the new bodybag model to the labratory.

CHANGED Since Rc2 : removed any copywrited or offensive material out of the map
that was being used as placeholders. added the Treehouse for
a goof. Added new Enviromental suits, medical carts, surgical
lights, moved the bomb and changed the lab around (ala majic)
moved the red bomb spawn from the roof. added yet another
route out of the lab. fixed some annoying stuff like z-fights
and removed some unnecesary stuff that was bloating the pk3.
lots of little fixes that everyone should be more pleased
with.....if not, fuck you because this is the last fix
im making....I didnt set out to make this map a career :)

CHANGED Since Rc3 : Well, just when you think you finally got it right. Seems the
bomb falls down the Grating under the neutron bomb in the
Radiation room. This was funny to see, but easy to fix.
there was also a Z-FIGHT found on the top of a doorway that
i must have missed. Other than that I think this map is a
weiner. If you dont agree than Im sorry because this map
p0wns you.

CHANGED Since Rc4 : Well, I guess it didnt p0wn you after all. I made spawnroms
for CTF, and moved the bomb spawns for red team to the first
floor of the condos. I added streetsigns, and thinnned out
the tree in the park for FPS reasons. Added lights to the
T-shaped hallway in the lab, and some other minor tweaks like
adding the sound for the manhole cover. Mr Sentry is now
located in the spawn rooms for CTF. I also got $crosshair
locations working. hmmm, thats about it that I can think of
if this doesnt suck, I think we have a winnah!

CHANGED Since Rc5 : added two more routes out from the blue spawnroom for CTF.
Also removed the bombable entitys from glass because it wasnt
breaking correctly. Minor tweaks for FPS, Changed some
lighting values. fixed a few z-fights that got made from
the new spawnrooms. Added Hummer H2 in the spawn room in
the lab area, as well as moved some boxes.

CHANGED Since Rc6 : added a new ladderclip that is complient with the new
anti-wallhack code. removed the H2, and added the work truck
and the lightset. tweaked the Mr Sentry locations. also
made some visual tweaks.

CHANGED Since Final : nodrop on floor wasnt high enough to get the flag back
after Mr Sentry kills. Moved the blue bomb spawn slightly
closer to the s8s building. changed the tree so that it
used less Verts, and the clipping code for it was also tweaked.
added a Metalclip shader for some areas that had metal steps.

CHANGED Since Final2 : Removed the auto-clipping code from the tree trunk and the
treehouse, Changed the bomb spawns a upper bomb location
for this version, I was going to release 2 different versions
with this alternate style but due to health reasons couldnt
finish the alternate version in time...so the version you got
wasnt recivied well by Spark and a few others saying that I would
kill bomb mode if I left the current spawns and bomb location
for the upper site. So i egged spark on intentionally saying
i wouldnt change the site...sorry spark it was fun messing with
ya....but seriously I needed a way to make the upper part of the
map usefull in bomb mode, and I think this alternate setup will
be interesting to say the least.

CHANGED Since Final3 : not much.....i fucked it up

CHANGED Since Final4 : Well, heres the deal folks, I havent had the server builds since
I started working on this map....which has made bugs and features
tough to test and find on my end....usually im my own best bug
finder. Now that I can test here locally, I finally am able to
sort out a lot of Beta3 issues. Like, the mr sentrys, the one
in the blue spawn was rediculous, it was removed, I changed the
way one faced in the red spawn that was going into the wall. also,
i know have bombable items. and I think that this most likely is a
good build. Any small items that are left arnt that big of a deal

Known Issues: Making Streets2 has been the absolute worst mapping experiance in my
10 year mapping career. With the exception of some very good and
patient QA testers, making this map has been like sticking my balls
in a vice and twisting until my MANMILK explodes all over.
I never again will take over a map like this. If I even think about it,
please someone shoot me, stuff me in a laundry sack and
throw me from the Coronado bridge.

* Level Description *
This is the next generation of ut_streets

Single Player : YES
Gamemodes : FFA,TDM,TS,Bomb,CTF
Suggested player load : 2 - 10 (This map is not meant for 20 man clusterfucks)

New Textures : yes
New Sounds : yes

* Construction *
Map Base : This map was constructed from scratch TWICE!!!
Hours invested : about 800 or more....I never want to see this map again
Prefabs/Models used : Neutron bomb - |NV|S
NRG crane -|NV|S
lab scale - LT1
autoclave - LT1
Centerfuge - LT1
Copier - LT1
Body bag - |NV|S
Maple tree (with treehouse) - |NV|S
Enviromental Suits - |NV|S
Surgical Light - |NV|S
Medical carts - |NV|S
streetsigns - |NV|S
assorted SID models - SID...i guess
worktruck and lightset - |NV|S (skin by thorn)

Editor used : GtK Radiant ver 1.2.12
Other utilities used : MS photodraw, PHotoshop7 3DSMAX 4.2 Milkshape
Lithunwrap, q3map2 Toolz, Chilliskinner, Q3MAP2 w00t!

Known Bugs : god I hope not

Compile machine : 2.8Ghz Pentium4 with 1 gig of 1066mhz Rambus
Compiler version : q3map2 2.5.2

Bsp Switches : -meta
BSP time : 50 seconds
VIS Switches : -vis
Vis time : 18 minutes
light Switches : -fast -filter -super 2 -patchshadows -shade -bounce 1
light time : 35 minutes

Total Brushes : 4382+
DM spawns : 16 per team
TS spawns : 3 groups of 16 per team
Bomb spawns : 16 per team
CTF spawns : 16 per team
1vs1 spwans : 16
Ftl spwans : 16
entities : 265

: ut_pointblank ut_automotive ut_crenshaw ut_airport ut_terrace

Oswald & the 6th floor, Oswald stuck by my visions when
Others ridiculed me. Some of the mappers at #urbanmappers..Idleing bastards.
The urban terror community, who will undoubtably pick this map apart because
change (no matter how good) is gay. Dragonne, Leprachaun for the kickass
billboards, Ydnar for all the textures, q3map2, hell man...We all owe you big,
Remedy, IK, the Texture studio, Pod Hitman Arias my Lan buddy from Quake1, Majic
, Xl8ration, THE_HAT, THNOM, Apoofoof, AGBD, FEm Fetale, and all my homies!

Authors MAY NOT use anything from this level.
This map MAY NOT be sold, or in any other way turn into profit for any other
person than the author. This map MAY NOT be distributed by anyone other than
Silicon Ice Development as it was designed for the Quake 3 Total Conversion
"Urban Terror" and is not to be used, replicated or edited for any other Mod,
Total Conversion, Game or Game Engine. Anyone using any models, textures, or
other Items from this map made my me will be punished by the DMCA to full extent
of the law....then I will drive to your house and eat your young!!


File structure

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